Monday 16 July 2018

Data Upgrade from NAV 2013 to NAV 2018 CU5

Hello Everyone,

In this article, we would discuss about Data Upgrade from NAV 2013 to NAV 2018 CU5 (Build 21836). 

Microsoft Link for Data Upgrade to NAV 2018:

Task 1: Prepare the old database

1) Use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Development Environment to build all application objects

Build Server Application Objects

2) Unlock all application objects

Filter - Locked True in object designer.

Select all Locked Objects and From File Select Force Unlock.

3) Synchronize the database schema by compiling all Objects

Task 2Create a full SQL backup of the NAV 2013 database on SQL Server

Task 3Uninstall all V1 extensions

As it is an NAV 2013 database there are no Extensions so skip this step.

Task 4Upload the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 license to the NAV 2013 database

- In the NAV 2013 development environment, on the File menu, point to Database, and then choose Alter.

- In the Alter Database window, choose Integration, and then select Save license in database.

- Restart Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Server instance

Upload License

Task 5Delete all objects except tables from the NAV 2013 database

- Select All Objects in Object Designer and Mark All Objects.
- Select Tables in Object Designer, Select All and UN-mark all tables.
- From View Select Marked only and select all in Object Designer.
- Delete all Objects (marked Objects).

Task 6: Uninstall (optional) the old product (NAV 2013) and install the new product (NAV 2018 CU 5)

- Along with Installation of NAV 2018 CU 5, create a service for NAV 2018 CU 2
- Increase the SQL Command Time Out from 00:30:00 to 20:00:00 for both Services (One Service for NAV 2018 CU 2 and one Service for NAV 2018 CU 5)

Task 7: Clear Dynamics NAV Server instance and debugger breakpoints records from NAV 2013 database

1) Stop NAV 2013 Service

2) Using SQL Server Management Studio, open and clear the dbo.Server Instance and dbo.Debugger Breakpoint tables of the NAV 2013 database

DELETE FROM [NAV2018_TEST].[dbo].[Server Instance]

DELETE from [NAV2018_TEST].[dbo].[Debugger Breakpoint]

where NAV2018_TEST is my Databasename

Task 8: Convert the NAV 2013 database to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CU 2 Database

- Open NAV 2018 CU 2 Developer Environment - Run as Administrator
Open the NAV 2013 database in NAV 2018 CU 2 Development Environment
- Follow the conversion instructions
- Important: Do not run schema synchronization at this time.

Task 9: Import the upgraded application objects (NAV 2018 CU 2) and upgrade toolkit objects into the converted database

Import Merged objects from NAV 2018 CU 2 Object Merge in the database. (Select Replace all)
- Do not run table synchronization (Select Later if asked)
- Import Upgrade Toolkit Objects (Upgrade7001100.fob) in Database
- Do not run table synchronization (Select Later if asked)

Task 10: Connect a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CU 2 Server instance to the converted database

- Connect to NAV 2018 CU 2 service that we created in Task 6

Task 11: Compile all objects that are not already compiled

- Filter Objects with compiled false.
- Compile objects with Synchronization Schema Later.

If you get errors on the following table objects, use the Object Designer to delete the objects because they are no longer used.

Table 470 Job Queue (replaced by the Task Scheduler)
Table 824 DO Payment Connection Details
Table 825 DO Payment Connection Setup
Table 827 DO Payment Credit Card
Table 828 DO Payment Credit Card Number
Table 829 DO Payment Trans. Log Entry
Table 1510 Notification Template

When you delete following table object, in the Delete confirmation dialog box, set the Synchronize Schema option to Force. 

- Test Runner Codeunits
Codeunit - 130400 - CAL Test Runner
Codeunit - 130402 - CAL Command Line Test Runner

OnBeforeTestRun - Verify parameter FunctionTestPermissions

Before Test Run

OnAfterTestRun - Verify parameter FunctionTestPermissions

After Test Run

Task 12: Run the schema synchronization on the imported objects - NAV 2018 CU 2

From Tools - Sync. Schema for all Tables - With Validation

Sync Schema With Validation

Task 13: Run the data upgrade process - NAV 2018 CU 2

- Open NAV 2018 CU 2 Development Environment as an administrator. 
- On the Tools menu, choose Data Upgrade, and then choose Start and follow the instructions. 
- To view the progress of the data upgrade, on the Tools menu, choose Data Upgrade, and then choose Show Progress. 

Data Upgrade

Data Upgrade

Below Tasks A to I are for NAV 2018 CU 2 ==> NAV 2018 CU 5

Microsoft Link:

Data Upgrade

Task A: Create a full SQL backup of the NAV 2018 CU 2 database on SQL Server

Task B: Stop NAV 2018 CU 2 Service

Task C: Convert the NAV 2018 CU 2 database to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CU 5 Database

- Open NAV 2018 CU 5 Developer Environment - Run as Administrator
Open the NAV 2018 CU 2 database in NAV 2018 CU 5 Development Environment
- Follow the conversion instructions
- Important: Do not run schema synchronization at this time.

Task D: Import the upgraded application objects (NAV 2018 CU 5) into the converted database

Import Merged objects from NAV 2018 CU 5 Object Merge in the database. (Select Replace all)
- Do not run table synchronization (Select Later if asked)
- Do not run table synchronization (Select Later if asked)

Task E: Connect a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CU 5 Server instance to the converted database

- Connect to NAV 2018 CU 5 service that we created in Task 6

Task F: Compile all objects that are not already compiled

- Filter Objects with compiled false.
- Compile objects with Synchronization Schema Later.

Task G: Run the schema synchronization on the imported NAV 2018 CU 5 objects

From Tools - Sync. Schema for all Tables - With Validation

Sync Schema With Validation

Task H: Run the data upgrade process - NAV 2018 CU 5

- Open NAV 2018 CU 5 Development Environment as an administrator. 
- On the Tools menu, choose Data Upgrade, and then choose Start and follow the instructions. 
- To view the progress of the data upgrade, on the Tools menu, choose Data Upgrade, and then choose Show Progress. 

Data Upgrade

Data Upgrade

Task I: Create a full SQL backup of the NAV 2018 CU 5 database on SQL Server

Task 14: Import upgraded permission sets and permissions by using the Roles and Permissions XML ports

Task 15: Set the language of the customer database

In the development environment, choose Tools, choose Language, and then select the language of the original customer database.

Task 16: Register client control add-ins

- To use these add-ins, they must be registered in table 2000000069 Client Add-in.


Task 17: Publish and install/upgrade extensions

Database = nav2018_test
Server Instance = nav2018_test
Database Server = NAVDB

You can find Extensions in NAV 2018 CU 5 DVD ==> ..\NAV.11.0.21836.W1.DVD\Extensions\
My Folder Path = C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\

Extensions Folder Path

You can download using below link

You can find ModernDev in NAV 2018 CU 5 DVD 
..\NAV.11.0.21836.W1.DVD\ModernDev\program files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\110\Modern Development Environment

My Folder Path = C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\ModernDev\

Modern Dev Folder Path

1) Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Shell - Run as Administrator
Run below commands:

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\ModernDev\" -PackageType SymbolsOnly

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\ModernDev\" -PackageType SymbolsOnly

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\ModernDev\" -PackageType SymbolsOnly

2) Update Custom Setting file parameter "EnableSymbolLoadingAtServerStartup" = True

3) Restart Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CU 5 Server instance

4) Generate the application symbol references for running Running C/SIDE and AL Side-by-Side

5) Open command prompt - Run as Administrator
Run below command:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\110\RoleTailored Client"
finsql.exe Command=generatesymbolreference, Database=nav2018_test, ServerName=NAVDB

Verify results after 5 minutes at location
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\110\RoleTailored Client\navcommandresult.txt
"[0] [07/07/18  3:08:25 AM] The command completed successfully in '268' seconds."

6) V1 extensions have the file type .navx. V2 extensions have the file type .app

7) Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Shell - Run as Administrator
Run below commands:

For V1 Extensions:
Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\Ceridian.navx"

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\MSWalletPayments.navx"

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\PayPalPaymentsStandard.navx"

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\QuickBooksDataMigration.navx"

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\QuickbooksPayrollFileImport.navx"

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\SalesAndInventoryForecast.navx"

For V2 Extensions:
Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\"

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Path "C:\Prerequisites\Extensions\"

For V2 Extensions - Sync
Sync-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Name "C5 2012 Data Migration" -Version 1.0.21836.0
Sync-NAVApp -ServerInstance nav2018_test -Name "Image Analyzer" -Version 1.0.21836.0


Task 18: Update the Dynamics NAV Web client configuration file (navsettings.json)

If you have installed the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components, populate the navsettings.json file for the Dynamics NAV Web Server instance with the settings of the NAV 2013 web.config file.

NAV 2013 - web.config file

Web Config Path

NAV 2018 CU 5 - NAVSettings.JSON file

Nav Settings JSON Path

Task 19: Delete the upgrade objects

- At this point, we have upgraded the database to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CU 5. 

- Now, you can delete the upgrade codeunits and upgrade table objects that you imported in task 9. This task is recommended but not required.

- Filter Objects with Version Tag - UPGTK11.00.00 and delete objects with Force

I hope this would help you a lot. Please also let me know your views.

Your valuable comments and feedback are appreciated.

Friday 13 July 2018

NAV Object Permissions Limit

Hello Everyone,

I was developing a Dimension update solution for one of our client and found one interesting thing about NAV Objects Permissions limit.

Yes, NAV Objects Permissions do have a defining limit. We can define maximum 80 Tables permissions in Object Permissions.

Kindly refer below snapshot for reference.


If any Developer tries to Define more than 80 Tables in Object Permissions, Developer would get warning "You have reached the allowed number of permissions". 

NAV considers first 80 Tables defined Object Permissions and would delete rest if are defined more when OK button is pressed.

Kindly refer below snapshot for reference.

Object Permissions

I hope this would help you a lot.

Your valuable comments and feedback are appreciated.